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Stephens Pipe & Steel

Silver DKS00804 Expansion Panel, 8 ft L x 4 ft H, Economy Bent, Steel, Galvanized

Sku: 6050090-052303-30
96 Available at SHIP TO STORE
Dog House, Kennel & Pen Accessory Options:Stephens Slvr DKS00804 Expan Panel 8x4ft

Rust-resistant galvanized steel construction. Modular pre-assembled panels. The 1 in kennel legs allow for easy cleaning when the unit is placed on a hard flat surface. Square corners at the bottom of each panel and gate better contain small pets. No holes to dig, concrete to mix or wire to stretch. Portability helps to prevent lawn damage. With vertical bracing. Set-up requires only one 1/2 in wrench for easy assembly. Frame design allows condensation to drain freely.

Economy Bent
8 ft L x 4 ft H

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