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Repel-X 100512028 Emulsifiable Fly Spray, 32 oz Bottle

Sku: 9997750-052303-10
21 Available at SHIP TO STORE
Horse Insecticide Options:Farnam 100512028 Emulsif Fly Spray 32 oz

Repel-X® insecticide and repellent spray to work hard. Now it saves money too. Just mix this concentrated formula with water and you're in business. Kills and repels biting and bloodsucking flies, plus gnats, mosquitoes and ticks. One qt of concentrate makes 8 qt of ready-to-use fly spray.

  • Kills and repels horn, house, stable, horse and deer flies, plus gnats, mosquitoes and ticks
  • Kills and repels deer ticks that may transmit lyme disease
  • Kills on contact

Net Content
Container Type
Prallethrin, Piperony Butoxide
Application Method

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