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Legacy Leadership Development: Business As Unusual

Legacy Leadership Development: Business as Unusual (MGT 4390-O) Class Outline

This evening class (from 4-7pm on Monday) takes place once a week with presentations by McCoy’s Executives, Senior Management, Brian McCoy, Board Chairman, and Meagan McCoy Jones, President and CEO, along with instruction from the Relational Values Alliance* staff.

Throughout this class, you’ll learn “Business as Unusual” values that focus on putting people first while developing leadership skills that will serve you throughout your career. This approach is designed to develop your emotional awareness and ability to empathize with those around you. You’ll be asked to dig deep into experiences that you’ve had, understand how they’ve affected you emotionally and learn how recognizing those emotions can make you perform better in the workplace.

This class is a combination of lecture and small groups.

“The Legacy Leadership class has a give-and-take feel. You can take what you’ve learned into all sorts of different relationships and make those relationships more enjoyable and meaningful.”

Hunter S. - Former Legacy Leadership Student

“This class helped me become a more confident leader. It gave me the knowledge and the know-how to really connect with the people I’m guiding.”

Zane M.-Former Legacy Leadership Student

*Business as Unusual is a training initiative of the Relational Values Alliance.