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2 x 2 x 36 Treated Spindle

Sku: 011317
215 Available at San Marcos
Location: Aisle 40
Treated Spindle & Baluster Sizes :2x2x36 Spindle

Southern Pine, Pressure Treated (MCA .06), No. 2 grade lumber. Often described as a 36 ft, 2 x 2 (nominal sizing), this product typically measures 1-1/2 in thick by 1-1/2 in wide. Appearance notes: Spindle Baluster.

  • Southern Pine lumber has been popular since Colonial times and consists of four main species: longleaf, loblolly, shortleaf and slash; design values for Southern Pine are comparable to other softwood species used in residential and commercial construction
  • No. 2 grade lumber is used in all general construction; this grade is designed for the many uses where higher strength properties are not needed and where serviceability is important; few defects are permitted and knots of any quality are allowed as long as they are well spaced and do not exceed size regulations
  • Pressure-treated with Micronized Copper Azole (MCA) to protect against termites, decay and rot; for use in residential applications above ground
  • Baluster has a classic spindle profile for a more traditional finish; square ends; surfaced on 4 sides

Southern Pine
Nominal Measurement
2in x 2in

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