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Gladiator WB11458 Dog Toy, Chew, Fetch, Toss, Tug Toy, Tuff Ring, Ballistic Nylon/Rubber

Sku: 1870054-052303-30
$15.98 / Card
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One-Size Dog Toy Options:Chomper Tuff Ring

Dogs get real pleasure tugging on toys like our Chomper® Gladiator™ tuff nylon toss and tug ring. Even though dogs get rough with our toy, it tackles fun with the toughness of a gladiator. Dogs are stuck indoors more often than they would like. Thankfully, rugged toys like our Chomper® Gladiator™ tuff nylon toss and tug ring are a great cure for that.

  • A tough, flexible toy designed to withstand hours of indoor and outdoor play
  • Spiky rubber rings massage gums
  • Dogs will love to fetch, tug, toss and chew on this multi-textured toy

Toy Type
Chew, Fetch, Toss, Tug
Tuff Ring
Ballistic Nylon/Rubber
8 in L

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