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RFA-2 Pet Fence Boundary Flag

Sku: 7344195-052303-09
9 Available at SHIP TO STORE
Pet Electric Fence Accessories Options:PetSafe RFA-2 Pet Fence Boundary Flag

Heavy-duty boundary flags can be used for any brand of underground pet fence. Boundary flags are to be used as a visual aid for your pet to help them learn the boundary you've determined for them. Place flags approximately 10 ft apart to remind your pet of his off-limits area. Between days 15 and 30, you will be monitoring your pet's progress. After you are satisfied your pet's training is complete, remove every other boundary flag every 4 days until all flags are removed. In about a month, your lawn will be free of training flags and your pet will know his limits.

  • 15 in steel staff
  • Enough to mark-off 500 ft of boundary wire

4 x 5

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